Prior Enhancements (Test for I-deas 5)
- The new “Channel Table Spreadsheet” has been added to allow users easier and more interactive set up of channel attributes for measurements in Signal Processing. The table provides an overview of acquisition settings including live level meters that update with selected changes to input range. Cells can be copied and pasted allowing rapid setup of large acquisition systems. TEDS information will be automatically imported if supported by the measurement hardware vendor. The spreadsheet can also give access to vendor specific features (such as front-end fan control and individual channel filtering) where supported .
- The file open dialogs for ADF import will now allow selecting multiple files. This will allow users who require opening many files at once an easy way of importing the ADF’s into the model file without the need to repeat the file open process once per ADF to be opened.
- The file open dialog for Windows installations will now return to the location of the previous file selection. This feature is enabled/disabled in the Options->Preferences->Forms dialog as “Remember File Directory”. Disabling will have the file open dialog return to the NX I-deas working (starting) directory. (9347)
- ASCII spread sheet text export and import will now allow more attributes in the header lines. These lines are optional for import. Any number and order of recognized attribute header lines are allowed. (8698)
- The issue where large abscissa values would not import correctly has been corrected. The problem was related to large starting abscissa values exceeding the single precision value allowed in I-deas. The correction will use a time stamp attribute to represent this large offset. (9032)
- The issue related to substructure import not correctly importing all datasets has been corrected. (10130)
- The issue with HPUX License functionality has been corrected and HPUX system may now be used as clients to a license server (9366)
- Support has been added for the VXI Technologies Ethernet slot 0 controller as well as the National Instruments Firewire slot 0 controller. (9352 and 9368)
- The issue where licensing Windows clients from a UNIX license server was not available through a standard install has been corrected. (9876)
- Wave file import support for B&K pulse created wave files has been added. (9769)
- The Online Help article regarding the Advanced Modal Wizards ‘MODAL A’ description has been updated to more accurately describe the attribute. (9196)
- The I-deas Test software has been updated to use Exceed version 2007 (9363)
- The Normal Tuning Application has been updated to support the following VXI modules; 1432B, 1435 and 1436 acquisition cards. Support for 24 bit operation has also been added. Support for the VXI Technologies Ethernet slot 0 controller and NI Firewire slot 0 controller has been added as well.