Support for Windows 8.1
Test for I-deas 6.5 has been validated to run with Windows 8.1. Windows 8 is not supported. Testing shows that a clean install of Windows 8.1 is preferred, upgrading from Windows 8 will require additional steps prior to installation. This validation only covers the Test application in I-deas.
Support for VTI Instruments SentinelEX
Test for I-deas now supports the SentinelEX frontend for Signal Processing. The supported hardware includes: Interfaces:
- VTI EMX-2500
- VTI EMX-2401 embedded controller
- VTI EMX-4250 16-channel 204.8 kSa/s IEPE Digitizer
- VTI EMX-4251 8-channel 204.8 kSa/s IEPE Digitizer
- VTI EMX-4350 4-channel 625 kSa/s IEPE Digitizer
- VTI EMX-4380 4-channel 625 kSa/s IEPE Digitizer with charge and voltage
- VTI EMX-1434 4-channel 192 kHz Arbitrary Waveform Source
Source Setup in Channel Spreadsheet
The Channel Spreadsheet utility has been expanded to include a dialog that you can use to set up and control source output.
Normal Mode Tuning 2.0
The Normal Mode Tuning product has been rewritten to remove the dependency on HP VEE and to support additional front ends. The major features are:
- Support for SentinelEX and VXI hardware from VTI Instruments.
- Control for up to 20 sources.
- Autoranging of channel input ranges with user specified overhead.
- Master level control that allows you to adjust all excitation levels simultaneously. This allows investigation of effects of structural non-linearities.
- Waveforms and mode shapes can be captured for further processing using Test for I-deas
- Results displayed include:
- Channel Magnitudes
- Lissajous plot
- Complex plane scatter plot
- Waveform display
- Force levels table
Time Capture for Step Sine Measurements
Time Capture is now allowed for Step Sine measurements. Step Sine uses a block mode so that the time data will be captured as one or more blocks at each frequency step.
Additional Enhancements
– UI improvements: allow Manage Bins in any Test for I-deas task, put the icons for “Frontend Calibration” and “Channel Spreadsheet” at the top of the icon stack. – If Exceed has been installed, it can be disabled for the Signal Processing task by setting an environmental variable TDAS_EXCEED_PATH=NONE. – Improvements were made to the VXI frontend driver to allow a larger number of channels to be used with the Firewire (IEEE 1394) controller. – The Test for I-deas tutorials have been updated to reflect the latest enhancements and utilities. You can find these in the I-deas Help under Training/Support->Tutorials->Test.
Bug Fixes
– The exponential window will remove any offset represented by the first value in each frame. This matches what is done for the impact window. – The Sampling Divider was creating incorrect frame sizes for Time Capture. – Reading dataset 55 (mode shapes) with a modal mass of zero was setting the amplitudes to zero. Set a default value of 1.0 for this case.